End-of-Year Symposium Posters

HEROES - Castilleja - presentation/conference poster

Trust and Honesty: Classroom Environment and Student-Teacher Relationships In Student Academic Integrity Decisions

Diya Verma and Sophia Trabanino

OSF page: https://osf.io/265uz/ 

HEROES - Del Lago Academy - symposium poster.pdf

Athletes and the Role Sports Play In Academic Dishonesty

Jakelin Tomas and Tran Pham

OSF page: https://osf.io/hdvue/ 

HEROES - Mission Hills HS - symposium poster.pdf

AP Students and Predicted Approval Levels of Cheating

Carina Moser, Linnea Bourne, Sierra Stanly, Alexa Montes, and Dieu-Thien Vu

OSF page: https://osf.io/3qj4x/ 

HEROES - Montgomery Senior High - symposium poster.pdf

Student/Teacher Relationships and Their Connection to Cheating

Jordan Whitehead and Angel Alfaro

OSF page: https://osf.io/5qbtg/ 

HEROES - Mount Miguel HS - symposium poster.pdf

Teacher's Motivation in Relation to Predicted Academic Dishonesty Among Students

Aneeta Matti and Gael Pacheco Padilla

OSF page: https://osf.io/5qf3d/ 

HEROES - Rancho Cucamonga HS - symposium poster.pdf

Student Dishonesty in Advanced Classes vs General Classes

Kassandra Morales, Dafney Villanueva, and Gladis Magana Aguilar

OSF page: https://osf.io/md43f/ 

Reporting Cheating Poster - Carina.pdf

Significant Motivators to Report Cheating Among Adolescents

Carina Moser and Riley Cox