
Academic Integrity Resources

Podcasts, Commentaries and Other Media:

Here are some media resources that will help you understand current knowledge from academic integrity researchers!

Research Papers Written by Leading Scholars:

Below are some scholarly articles written by experts in psychology and education. These will help you see the kinds of research and knowledge surrounding academic cheating and integrity that have been generated to this day.

Previous Research by Our Team:

Here are a few talks our team has presented over the last few years that will give you a sense of our research!

This is a 4-minute talk on the science and policies behind academic integrity in everyday schooling.

This is a 15-minute talk on how college students make decisions on whether or not to cheat on tests and assignments.

This 5 minute poster presentation was presented at the 2021 Association for Moral Education conference. It focuses on the variance in teaching strategies and approaches to academic integrity across US institutions.

This 15 minute talk was presented at the 2021 Association for Moral education conference. The talk explores the question of: why do students cheat even though they think it's wrong?

Previous Research by Our Team:

Below, you can find some posters, papers, and infographic summaries of the research our team has done over the years. We hope this information could be useful for teachers, students, and parents!